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Marlon Roudette - Brotherhood of the Broken

Artist : Marlon Roudette
Lyric : Brotherhood Of The Broken

If not me then someone else
Who will feel the pain I felt
I may be an old face from a photograph
You may look at me and laugh
Till it's your turn to sing the blues
Knowing what you had to lose
I may be an old fool from her former life
Till you find out what it's like
She'll make you feel like you're the center
Of a place without a trace
Of any man who's gone before

Join us now
The brotherhood of the broken
And we'll be proud to welcome one of ours
Join our chain
Where all the links are broken
I didn't know her that well
I did not know her that well

And if not you then someone else
Who will fall for her and melt
And you'll be an old foe that she left for him
Occasionally mentioned
Till it's his turn and he'll relate
To what it's like to be replaced
You may be an old flame
From her former days.
Till he finds himself erased
He may find her in a corner
And provide for her a shoulder
As she cries her tales of you
He doesn't know he's just a ladder
For her to climb up to the rooftops
Where she'll find a better view

And he'll join us now
The brotherhood of the broken
And we'll be proud to welcome one of ours
Join our chain
Where all the links are broken
He didn't know her that well
You did not know her that well
I did not know her so well
We did not know her that well

You may hold her in the winter
And feel like you're the only man
Who's ever loved her before

So join us now
In the brotherhood of the broken
And we'll be proud to welcome one of ours
Join our chain
Where all the links are broken
You didn't know her that well
We did not know her that well
We did not know her that well

Logika Pembatasan Tinggi Bangunan

Ingin menjadi negara maju ? Bangunlah gedung yang megah dan tinggi. Ingin kota kota kita dianggap keren dan tidak kampungan ? Biarkanlah mall-mall menjamur, minimarket menggurita, pasar modern mengepung kota dan hotel-hotel berbintang & bertingkat berdiri kokoh si jalan-jalan protokol.
Itulah yang mulai saya rasakan dengan kota kecil dimana saya tinggal, Purwokerto. Kebanggaan mulai menyeruak. Kepala sudah mulai tegak kalau lewat di kota-kota tetangga. Bagaimana tidak? Paling tidak ada 3 jaringan hotel nasional yang sudah dibangun di Purwokerto dengan tinggi minimal 4 lantai. Bahkan ada yang 8 lantai.
Tapi, akhir-akhir ini bangunan tinggi megah seperti itu tidak semenarik dulu. Ini terjadi setelah saya melihat dokumenter mengenai pariwisata di Cancun, Meksiko. Cancun adalah pantai tujuan wisata yang sangat ramai. Sayangnya, hotel-hotel di sana seolah mengisolir para wisatawan di area hotelnya. Sementara area warga lokal sama sekali tidak menikmati remah-remah rizqi ramainya turis. Bagaimana tidak, hotel dikelola dengan manajemen kelas dunia berkonsep one stop shopping, one stop tourism, one stop service dan one stop-one stop lainnya. Mulai dari minimarket, gym, cafe dll ada di hotel semua.
Ya begitulah, ibarat sapi dan banteng bertarung lomba lari melawan kambing. Begitulah turisme hotel modern dibiarkan melawan pasar tradisional dan angkringan. Dan sepertinya seperti itulah tren pengelolaan wisata dan turisme di Indonesia. Bukan hanya itu, ekonomi-bisnis dan jurnalistik pun terancam fenomena serupa.
Diam-diam saya pun merindukan kota yang biasa-biasa saja. Gedung yang tidak terlalu tinggi namun setiap warga kota bisa berjualan dengan nyaman dan memaksimalkan potensinya sendiri. Kalaupun ada gedung yang tinggi, penghuninya nyaman dan tenang keluar masuk pasar tradisional dan berbaur di ruang publik yang natural dan kekeluargaan.

I Just Want To Know Who Iam

Mungkin itu pertanyaan paling konyol dalam hidup. "Siapa sebenarnya aku ini?" "Aku ga kenal diriku sendiri?" Pertanyaan itu timbul ketika kita jatuh, stres, tertimpa musibah dan kejadian lain yang membuat galau.
Itulah saat kita mulai mengenal diri kita sebenarnya. "Diri" kita telah kehilangan landasannya. Landasan itu adalah pacar, gadget, benda-benda mahal, jabatan, prestasi, idelitas dll. Selamat anda kehilangan itu semua. Kenapa selamat? Karena "dirimu" yang sejati bukanlah itu semua. Dirimu yang sejati tak butuh sandaran benda. Karena "dirimu" telah menjadi dirimu sejak lahir, bahkan sebelum lahir. Dirimu yang sejati adalah kesadaran bahwa kamu ada. Eksistensi yang pasrah tanpa mengaitkan eksistensi diri pada benda. Itulah keikhlasan, surrender, mati sebelum kamu mati dalam istilah tasawuf, atman dalan istilah Hindu, anata menurut Budha, "Akulah jalan, aku lah hidup dan akulah kebenaran" kata Yesus (Isa AS)

Lalu kudengarkan lagi Johny Riezhnick (vocalis Goo Goo Dols) bernyanyi :
when everything made is broken
I just wannna know who I am

Queen - I'm going slightly mad

Band : Queen
Lyric : I'm going slightly mad

When the outside temperature rises
And the meaning is oh so clear
One thousand and one yellow daffodils
Begin to dance in front of you, oh dear
Are they trying to tell you something?
You're missing that one final screw
You're simply not in the pink, my dear
To be honest
you haven't got a clue
I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened - happened
It finally happened - oooh oh
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad
Oh dear!
I'm one card short of a full deck
I'm not quite the shilling
One wave short of a shipwreck
I'm not my usual top billing
I'm coming down with a fever
I'm really out to sea
This kettle is boiling over
I think I'm a banana tree
Oh dear
I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened - happened
It finally happened - uh huh
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad
Oh dear!
I'm knitting with only one needle
Unravelling fast it's true
I'm driving only three wheels these days
But my dear how about you?
I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened, happened
It finally happened, oh yes
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad
Just very slightly mad!
And there you have it!

Paramore - The Only Exception

Band : Paramore
Lyric : The Only Exception

When I was younger I saw my daddy
cry and curse at the wind.
He broke his own heart and
I watched as he tried to re-assemble it.
And my mamma swore she would
never let herself forget.
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if does not exist.
But darling..

You are the only exception (x4)

Maybe I know somewhere deep in
my soul that love never lasts.
And we've got to find other ways
to make it alone or keep a straight face.
And I've always lived like this
keeping a comfortable, distance.
And up until now I swore to myself
that I'm content with loneliness,
'cause none of it was ever worth the risk.

But you are the only exception (x4)

I've got a tight grip on reality,
but I can't let go of what was part of me here.
I know you're leaving in the morning, when you wake up,
leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream.


You are the only exception (x8)
And I'm on my way to believing.. (x2)

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